外贸干货|学完你就会写优秀开发信开发信的重要性不言而喻,但很多销售发现自己的开发信发出去之后都石沉大海。为什么?从某种程度来说,这取决于潜在客户是否愿意打开,打开后是否感兴趣,是否愿意与你联系。 而既然我们想要老外打开这封邮件,就得了解他们的喜好,对症下药。以下11封开发信模版是他们认为的“好开发信”的共同特征: 标题:瞬间“吸睛” 简介:简明扼要,有重点 正文:提供对客户有价值的产品和服务 Call-To-Action:明确清晰 其他:相关认证,相关经验 {CONTACT.FIRSTNAME} In working with other <>, one of the key issue they're struggling with is <> This past year we helped numerous companies to <>, resulting in <>. If this is something you're challenged with too, let's set up a quick call. I have some ideas that might help. All the best, {CONTACT.OWNER_NAME} 这封开发信模版,简洁明了,但是内容有料。你的潜在客户可以在不到100字的叙述中看到对他们而言很有价值的内容。 为什么开发信的长度很重要?现在大家都很忙,因此很少有人有足够的时间和耐心去看完你的长篇大论。 从上面的调查可以看出,相对较短的邮件得到的反应率反而更高。 Hello {name} Whatwould it mean to your top-line revenue if you saw a 70% increase in contact rates, 50% improvement in closes, and 40% increase in quota-hitting sales reps? Let's find a few minutes to talk about how InsideSales.com is providing these results to our clients. I'mavaiable tomorrow {insert 2 times you're available}. Can we sync up? 如果你想要了解潜在客户公司当前的运营现状,那么这个开发信模版将很有帮助。它的特点是内容简短但详细。 此外,我最喜欢的是简洁明了的CTA(Call-To-Action),你可以通过给与对方不同的时间选择,来使这封邮件更具针对性。毕竟好的CTA模式能够带来很好的转化率。 不过这就意味着你得花时间去想怎么写,不然很有可能因此得罪客户,甚至让对方觉得你“图谋不轨”。 Hey {Prospect}, Your website's design is absolutely brilliant. The visuals really enhance your massage and the content compelsaction. I've forwarded it to a few of my contacts who I think could benefit from your services. WhenI was looking at your site, though, I notices a mistake that you've made re:search engine optimization. It's a relatively simple fix. Wouldyou like me to write it uo so that you can share it with your web team? If this is a priority, I can also get on a call. Regards, {Your name} 这封邮件从一开始就赞美了客户的网站,这样的语句很“吸睛”。然后在赞美之后提出自己的疑问,并给与对方自己的建议和解决方案。没有人会拒绝能给自己带来帮助的信息。 但要注意的是,不要太“耿直”的指出客户的问题,太过直接会让客户觉得你是来找茬的,毕竟双方的关系还没有那么近。所以表达疑问和解决方案的时候建议斟酌语气。 此外,从上面的调查可以看出,针对性的发送邮件比群发邮件的回复率高很多,所以尽量避免“群发”。 Subjectline:{Company Name} + {Your Company} Hi {name} My name is {name} with {Your Company}.We help {specific company type} with {one liner}. I wanted to learn how you handle {thing your company handles} at {Company Name} and show you what we're working on. Are you available for a brief call at {time options}. [Your name] 从这封邮件的主题行可以看出,这两种业务之间可能存在联系。使用“+”号更能突出这一点。此外,当看到一个主题行涉及不同元素时,往往会引起读者的好奇心,促使看邮件的人打开。 在这封邮件的正文中,发件人介绍了自己及所做的工作,并且提到了所有他曾合作过的公司。在下一行,他把内容核心抛向了客户,让客户来主导而不是一直吹嘘自己的相关业务。 整个邮件可以说是面面俱到。而且我们还应该注意到,这些邮件基本都保持在100字以内。 Subjectline: Terry Fisher says you're interested in better lead gen strategies {name}, Terry Fisher told me today that you two were talking about how tough it is these days to get new leads in the door.It's a big inssue that all consulting companies face right now. After looking at your website and registering for your white paper, I have some thoughts regarding where you may belosing people in the process. And, I've got some ideas you can implement fairly easily that should have a positive impact on lead conversionrates. Let's schedule 30 minutes to talk some more about this. Regards, 接下来要说的就是推荐客户了,我不止一次的提到推荐客户对于销售而言有多重要,但事实上,我们很惊讶的发现,只有10%的销售会要求自己的客户推荐。 造成这种情况的最大原因可能是恐惧,大多数销售都不想给客户留下讨厌烦人的印象。但是这个模版也许可能会让你得到一些新客户。 这封邮件的重点在于邮件中提到的人名,千万不要忘记。显然,潜在客户跟这个人是认识的。 Hi(CONTACY.FIRSTNAME), I'llbe honest, this is not "another sales pitch" from (YOUR COMPANY NAME), I'd like to send you a 2-minute demo video of (VALUE PROP): (VIDEO LINK) Weare (SOCIAL PROOF - WHO'S YOUR INVESTORS, HOW MUCH HAVE YOU RAISED?)and our key customers include (VANITY CUSTOMERS),ect. One of our core value props is"(VALUE PROP TAGLINE)"and we would like to offer everyone a 1-on-1 with our CustomerSuccess experts to simply discuss best practices(VALUE PROPS). Whois the best person to speak with about? (Let us know if there's someone else who heads up those efforts.) All the best, CONTACT.OWNER_NAME 这几乎可以说是一封“全裸”的邮件。就是将自己的一切都摆到台面上跟客户说,比如告诉他你的投资人是谁,目前有多少资金,合作对象是谁等等。提供一对一的客户服务其实是很好的,我们发现大多数企业采购产品会因为对方的服务让人满意。 因此,某些时候大方的提出自己曾经合作过的客户以及成就更能有效证明自己的价值,也更能提升在客户心中的份量。 我们发现这封邮件比其他邮件内容要长,但它的效果仍然是很好的。因为它涵盖的领域非常多,也非常适合那些“难搞”的客户。所以不妨试试。 Hi (CONTACT.FIRSTNAME) Yourecently visited our website and downloaded <<INSERT CONTENT PRICE>>. Did you downlaos the piece just to learn more about <<TOPIC OF CONTENT PRICE>>? Or, are you looking for a cost-effective solution to <<TOPIC OF CONTENT>>? Iactually did some research on {!Lead.Company}and have the following tips: -<<INSERT TIP>> -<<INSERT TIP>> Haveyou thought of doing this? All the best, CONTACT.OWNER_NAME 无论什么时候如果潜在客户在你的网站上留下一点“痕迹”,都是你给他们发邮件的好时候。这个时候对方想了解想采购,而你恰巧能提供信息和服务,成交的概率就被大大提高了。 Hi (CONTACT.FIRSTNAME), Ihope this email finds you well! I wanted to reach out because [explain how we got their contact information and how we relate to them]:talked to a colleague, saw your company,etc]. [Nameof company]has a new platform that willhelp (your team at)[organization name].[One sentence pitch of benefits]. We do thidd by: Benefit/feature 1 Benefit/feature 2 Benefit/feature 3(optional) Let'sexplore how[name of your software]can specifucally help your business. Are you avaiable for a quick call[time and date]? Cheers, {CONTACT.OWNER_NAME} 切勿使用大量的文字去描写产品的功能和优势,因为这不仅让客户看起来感觉杂乱无章,还会分散他们的注意力,最终导致客户直接“拉黑”你。 针对这一点,这个模版很有效果。增加邮件的要点有助于让产品的功能和优势更加突出,也会让客户一秒抓住核心要点,不会因为内容过长而使注意力分散。 Subject:Bookkeeping sucks, let us handle it. {name} Bookkeeping sucks, and you have a business to run.You created CompanyName out of a passion for doing something great,unique,and game0changing. Not to spend your limitless talents and limited time on day-to-day bookkeeping tasks. Acuity Complete's bookkeeping professionals want you to focus your time and efforts on growing CompanyName into an empire; not worrying about whether your books are reconciled correctly. If your core business conpetency isn't bookkeeping, let's talk. I'd love to find out more about CompanyName and how we can help eliminate this headache for you. Doyou have any current issues that we can help answer? Cheers, {CONTACT.OWNER_NAME} 这封邮件是关于抓住客户痛点并提供解决方案的。通常业务员在推销产品的时候,总是会“自卖自夸”,但却很少有人能说出为什么自己的产品适合客户的公司。 但这封开发信采取了不同的方式,它涉及到潜在客户如何经营业务,为什么项目没有进展,问题出现在哪里,并且最终提出一个可行的解决方案。 需要注意的是在使用这个模版套在你的产品和潜在客户身上时,注意关键是告诉他们可以帮他们节省多少时间和成本。 此外,要注意主题行的文字长度,从上面的图标我们发现,当涉及标题时,字数很重要,它会直接影响邮件的打开率和点击率。 Subject:10x{conpany}[result]in ten munites? Hello {name}, I have an idea that I can explain in 10 minutes that can get{company}it's next[100 best clients]. I recently used this idea to help our client {competitor}almost triple their monthly run rate. {name},Let's schedule a 10-minute call so I can explain. When works best for you? Cheers, {CONTACT.OWNER_NAME} 如果你喜欢用数字来说服客户,那么可以看看这封邮件模版。它简明有效,重点在于指出如何通过10分钟的沟通获得10倍的效果。但得说明10分钟的通话价值,毕竟你得给他们一个愿意听你说明的理由。 最关键的一点是,邮件中提到了给自己竞争对手提供建议,这一点通常会让客户十分感兴趣。 Hello {name}, I'm writting to follow-up on my email. I didn't hear back from anyone on the team. If it makes sense to talk, let me know your calendar looks. Ifnot, who is the appropriate person for me to talk to? Thanksfor your help. {CONTACT.OWNER_NAME} 据调查,我们发现70%的未回复邮件都没有后续跟进,你会觉得很惊讶吗?是的,但这完全可以理解。很多销售人员会臆想客户收到邮件却没回复是因为客户不感兴趣,如果再发可能会让客户厌烦,所以他们不再继续跟进。 但仔细想一下,人们每天都会收到大量的电子邮件,那么客户没有回复很有可能是忘记了你的建议或者因为太忙没时间回复。坚持是一个很好的品质,毕竟在采购商决定下单之前,销售人员至少要跟进5次,这样的“追踪”很有必要。 通过上面的图表我们发现,48%的业务员在1次跟进后就停止了。能做到3次以上跟进的业务员只有10%。而成功的销售基本上都会有5到12次的跟进。 看完这些模版,你是否对开发信有了新的思路和想法呢,不妨试试,坚持不懈总有一种可以打动客户! 也请牢记一个根本原则:“有效的开发信一定是获知客户的痛点并准确传达产品价值,只有被打动的客户才会回复你。” |